Annual Membership Day-Members Only

October 15, 2017 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Brumley Nature Preserve-Service Entrance
3323 Old State Hwy 10
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Margaret Sands

TLC members do so much for the wild and working lands of the Triangle! From getting the word out about land conservation, to attending TLC events and inviting their friends, championing conservation projects, supporting our work in so many ways, and being our best ambassadors in the community. We want to thank you for all that you do and celebrate another great year of improving lives through conservation!

Join us at Brumley Nature Preserve for an Annual Membership Day celebration. Live music will be provided by the Barred Owls so bring a chair and come enjoy the autumn changes behind the scenes at Brumley. Find out the latest of what TLC has been working on, mingle with members and staff, and learn about some special new projects and partnerships that your support makes possible!

Photo by Caroline Gilmore

We hope you can join us for the 2017 Annual Membership Day and celebrate all you have done to make the Triangle a healthier and more vibrant place to live!

 This event is exclusively for TLC members. Not yet a member? Click here to join and attend Membership Day and other events throughout the year. 

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